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Another summer of great mixed hockey

The informal mixed 7 aside games at Mill Farm finished on Thursday 30th June to provide a break to those involved behind the scenes before we commence pre-season training and planning.

These sessions have been open to all members playing in senior teams. It has been a great opportunity for those involved to play and socialise with different people from across the club and for spectators to come along and watch without getting cold and wet!

We would like to take the opportunity to say a huge THANK-YOU to Debbie McClelland, our ladies 5th team captain, for organising the teams each week, no mean feat given the numbers involved and changing availability. Also thanks to those that have helped keep our games safe by umpiring each week.

We know these games have provided enjoyment for everyone involved. We also wanted to recognise that the summer season has been very different for anyone caught up in the conflict in Ukraine and find some small way to show our support. To that end we have set up a just giving page. If anyone would like to make a voluntary contribution in aid of the DEC Ukraine Humanitarian appeal please visit the link



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Thankyou for contacting Fylde Hockey Club.                              One of our team will be in contact shortly

Find Us

Fylde Sports & Education Centre,
Mill Farm Sports Village, 
Coronation Road,

Wesham, Preston PR4 3JZ

The Flower Bowl Entertainment Centre Logo COLOUR (1).png

Fylde Hockey Club Ltd  |  Registration No 8699428

Registered Office: Fylde Sports & Education Centre, Coronation Way, WESHAM  PR4 3JZ England

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