On Sunday 16th October our senior teams were invited to try the facilities at The Flowerbowl courtesy of our new playing shirt sponsors.
Over 80 members enjoyed a Fish and Chip Supper followed by bowling, crazy golf and curling. This event allowed members to come together off the playing field to help build teamwork which is one of the clubs 3 values. Teamwork, Respect, Inspire
We have had an overwhelming positive response to the night including the following feedback
• Brilliant night!
• What an absolutely fabulous night. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves taking part in all the activities. Curling was amazing and the crazy golf is the best one I have been to.
• I had a fantastic time and everyone is saying what a great event it has been.
• Fabulous evening at the Flowerbowl thanks for organising
Below are some photos- are you featured?
Could you support our social secretary in organising future social events on behalf of the club? If so get in touch social@fyldehc.com
Fylde Hockey Club are delighted to have The Flower Bowl on board as playing shirt sponsors for the next 3 years to find out more about the venue visit their website. https://theflowerbowl.uk/home/