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Updated: Jun 18, 2020

Firstly, we want to welcome everyone back to Mill Farm, it has been far too long since we were last at our home playing the sport we love.

As of Monday 15th June 2020 we will be inviting Juniors in small groups at a time to return to training, in line with Step 2 of England Hockey’s “Roadmap of Returning to Play”. England Hockey's return to hockey steps are detailed below:

Step 1 - Training - One to one / household group.

Step 2 - Socially Distanced Training – Small groups but with social distancing in place.

Step 3 -Small Group Training – Small group training allowed with some closer contact

permitted. Allowing for tackling/marking etc. (some age groups may be

allowed to start this stage earlier)

Step 4 - Local Match Play – Intra club / local matches can happen but restrictions

stop leagues / main competitions resuming (e.g. if travel is still an issue due

to car sharing or local lockdowns are in place)

Step 5 - Full Competitive Match Play – Full leagues / competitions resume

What this means for those taking part at Fylde HC (Mill Farm):

  • Please arrive at Mill Farm no earlier than 10 minutes prior to your training session commencing and remain in your vehicle until 2 minutes before the start

  • Please ensure that all cars are at least one space apart in the car park (there are no other activities at the Sports & Education Centre so there is plenty of space)

  • There will be no access to the Sports & Education Centre for any reason, including toilets!

  • Access to the pitch will be through the side gate attached to the fencing of the hockey pitch

  • Parents should remain in sight of young players at all times whilst maintaining social distancing from others

  • Follow Public Health England advice for good hygiene at all times

  • Maintain 2m social distance (unless you are from the same household)

  • Use your own equipment (stick) and avoid touching other equipment (balls, cones, markers and goals etc). ONLY TOUCH THE BALL WITH YOUR STICK!

  • Maximum group size is 6 people (including coaches)

  • As soon as the session has finished please collect your belongings and head to the car park

  • Exiting the pitch will be through the the same gate as the entrance

  • Please swiftly head to your vehicle and leave Mill Farm

If you or anyone you have been in contact with displays any symptoms of COVID-19 please ensure you follow the governments guidance and isolate for 14 days.

Please rest assured we are taking every precaution to ensure the safety of all involved as we welcome all back to the club. As and when the guidance is updated we will circulate further information.



Contact Us

Use the form below to get in contact with us:

Thankyou for contacting Fylde Hockey Club.                              One of our team will be in contact shortly

Find Us

Fylde Sports & Education Centre,
Mill Farm Sports Village, 
Coronation Road,

Wesham, Preston PR4 3JZ

The Flower Bowl Entertainment Centre Logo COLOUR (1).png

Fylde Hockey Club Ltd  |  Registration No 8699428

Registered Office: Fylde Sports & Education Centre, Coronation Way, WESHAM  PR4 3JZ England

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