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Membership during Lockdown

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to find a variety of ways that we can all continue to get the benefit of keeping fit, healthy and connected as a club.

The great news is we’re excited to share solutions which we hope will provide both flexibility and inspiration for everyone.

Our coaching team have been working incredibly hard to develop a virtual programme that can be delivered online. The virtual programme will be 8-weeks in duration, running through February and March on Zoom. It will include a series of workshops/coaching sessions to cover a range of topics which would not normally be available to all our players. These will address the Technical, Tactical, and Mindset side of hockey, including the following topics: Team Foundations / Pressing / Defending / Attacking / Out-Letting / Goalscoring / Individual performance plans etc. The sessions are designed to continue to build team cohesion, build skills and provide the knowledge and learning that will help us to sustain and build levels of performance for when we can get back competing again. As soon as we able to return to the pitch during this period – we will do so!

We would encourage as many of you as possible to join the sessions. For those of you that don’t feel that this opportunity is for you, we would ask you to either cancel your membership payments from 1st February or continue to make your payments knowing that you are supporting the club which still has significant ongoing costs to cover whether we play or not.

As a community club it is our aim to support people to play hockey and continue to get the benefits that brings. If you are finding yourself in challenging circumstances at the moment, but still want to be involved in the virtual sessions,there are options available to support you. Please contact either your team captain or Bernie, the Club Treasurer.

To help us deliver as smooth a transition as possible to the virtual programme, and to support the coaches in their planning we are asking you to complete a short, 2- minute online form by Sunday 24th January to confirm if you will either attend the virtual sessions, are unlikely to attend the virtual sessions but wish to continue to support the club through membership, or, if you are choosing to cancel your membership until we can get back on the pitch. Please head over to Teamo - the link will be displayed on the home page and on the whole club message sent out on Thursday 21st January



Contact Us

Use the form below to get in contact with us:

Thankyou for contacting Fylde Hockey Club.                              One of our team will be in contact shortly

Find Us

Fylde Sports & Education Centre,
Mill Farm Sports Village, 
Coronation Road,

Wesham, Preston PR4 3JZ

The Flower Bowl Entertainment Centre Logo COLOUR (1).png

Fylde Hockey Club Ltd  |  Registration No 8699428

Registered Office: Fylde Sports & Education Centre, Coronation Way, WESHAM  PR4 3JZ England

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