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Training Times Update 2021

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

During the recent lockdown we invited everyone to share their views on our club, thank you to everyone who took part. It was good to hear that much of what we do as a club is enjoyed by so many.

One area that we have spent considerable time looking at is the training timetable to ensure that we provide the best possible training opportunities we can to all club members. This has resulted in changes from January in two areas; Juniors and Ladies training times.


We've undertaken a review of the Junior Coaching Programme, in particular the review considered the numbers attending each of the sessions and the sizes of the groups. Moving forward our aim is to reduce the sizes of the groups so coaches are able to work more closely with the young players and provide more focused coaching which meets their needs.

This means there are some changes to the progamme starting January 2021. Firstly our Junior training will now be called "Fylde Junior Hockey Academy" . The new times are as follows;

U8's and U9's : Sunday's 9 - 10am

U15's : Sunday's 10-11am

U10's and U11's : Tuesday's 5:45 - 7pm

U12's and U13's : Thursday's 5:45 - 7pm

These sessions are open to all junior members

The aim of the Fylde Junior Hockey Academy is to inspire, grow and develop future generations of hockey players in a fun, supportive, challenging and creative environment.


Following the mid season review we have made some adjustments to the Ladies training times in order to provide a more effective schedule to support progression of all players. The new times are as follows;

L5's : Tuesday 7 - 8:30pm

L6's and over 14yrs : Wednesday 5:45 - 7pm

L3's and L4's. : Thursday 7-8:30pm

All these changes will be effective from w/c 4th January. Any questions please speak to either your team captain or your club captain.



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Thankyou for contacting Fylde Hockey Club.                              One of our team will be in contact shortly

Find Us

Fylde Sports & Education Centre,
Mill Farm Sports Village, 
Coronation Road,

Wesham, Preston PR4 3JZ

The Flower Bowl Entertainment Centre Logo COLOUR (1).png

Fylde Hockey Club Ltd  |  Registration No 8699428

Registered Office: Fylde Sports & Education Centre, Coronation Way, WESHAM  PR4 3JZ England

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