They have been getting HIT fit (High Intensive Training) Read on:
Lockdown brought disappointment to many a Fylde hockey player as we temporarily stored our sticks away, the astro lights were dimmed and the club house doors shut for the foreseeable.
Fylde HC is proud of its strong coaching team most days but over lockdown we have been thrilled with the ideas and effort from our coaches as they have helped keep the cobwebs away over the last 11 weeks.
Phil Hope, our Junior Head Coach who is responsible for Hope's Online Hockey posted skill challenges to practice at home, gaining massive approval, a keen following and some healthy competition between siblings and teammates! We are all looking forward to witnessing some dazzling skills on the pitch as we slowly return to training.
Once England Hockey announced we could resume one on one coaching, CJB Sports Academy run by Katherine Wholey hosted socially distanced training sessions for Fylde hockey players and athletes looking to increase fitness, speed and agility through HIT sessions. One to one hockey coaching from Phil, Katherine, Adele and Georgi (all Fylde junior coaches) formed part of these sessions and the other part was fitness training delivered by level 4 athletics coach Charles Boucher. It didn't take long for all the places to be taken up!
Our Ladies First X1 coach ex Pakistani International player Ali Ghazanfar has also supported CJB Sports Academy by running exclusive one to one junior sessions for a total of 9 hours a day every Sunday.
This week we are excited to announce our return to Mill Farm with Fyldes Head of Performance Chris Simcock and Phil Hope who will be running (by invitation only) small group sessions for our U16 players.
Fylde HC might have been closed due to COVID-19 restrictions but our juniors have not rested and will be fighting fit and ready for action as soon as we return to competitive play.