Senior Pathway
Junior players become eligible to play in our adult teams at the age of 13, progression into the weekly senior training is offered by invitation - it considers several factors assessed on a player-by-player basis:
Stage of player’s development
Player’s age
Attitude and commitment
Current squad numbers
Safeguarding needs
Ratio of players to coaches
We monitor the transition from junior to adult hockey carefully and review it on a regular basis to ensure that the move is made at the right time for each child.
England Hockey Player Pathway
Our juniors have continued success within the England Hockey Player Pathway. We now how more players than ever attending Development Centre’s. If your child is interested in taking part, please inform the Junior Club Captain. Club and school activity continue throughout the player pathway process.

Development Centre (DC):
Ages 12 – 16, nominated by school or club

Academy Centre (AC):
Ages 12 – 16, nominated by DC coaches

Performance Centre (PC):
Ages 14 – 17, nominated by AC coaches

Futures Cup:
Ages 14 – 17, nominated by PC coaches

National Group Squads (NAGS):
U16, U18 and U21 Players selected from PC and Futures Cup